This is THE year of harvest, are you ready? Can you see your unsaved loved ones and others you have been carrying a burden for 'finally' giving up and submitting their lives to the Lord? I can!!! It's time!

I am so thankful for my family, we are blessed to live close enough to have family prayer together, this is how we get and keep the strength it takes to live in these last days. I want to commend them all, we have come so far in the past year and it's thru many prayers from each of us and a determination to do whatever it takes to get that closeness back among us. Life happens and the enemy DOES NOT want unity anywhere so if he finds a crack he will chisel away at it to destroy but....IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I claim unity in my family this year as never before! When two or three agree....that is powerful and nobody prays for the family like the family, whether it's the mommas, the daddys, or the grandmas...especiallly the grandmas!! If the grandma prays look out somethings gonna happen~lol!

Happy New Year to all and let's ride 2009 with a firm grip and not get thrown, but if we do...GET BACK ON!
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