As most of you know 2 of our sons have been backsliden for about 4 years. We have prayed for and preached to them with lots of complaining, which is normal. We are more than ever aware that we are running out of time.
Well on Sunday night January 11th 2009......they both gave their hearts back to the Lord! It was so wonderful to see them both hands raised and crying out to God, I was so in awe of it all. But God is not done yet.....there is so many lost loved ones still out there that it's just the beginning!! This was such an encourgement for many parents that if the Lord will do it for this family then He'll do it for mine. I BELIEVE IT WITH THEM!! We can never give up or let up, no matter what the situation looks like. Several parents at The Rock Church have picked a fast day once a week to specifically bring their kiddos to the throne of God, it works! We are still in unity with you....NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!! God is so amazing why wouldn't we serve Him and give Him our best.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed with or preached to my babies~lol~(they are grown up now) :o) I could not finish this without saying thank you Jesus for such excellent leadership and godly examples, we are priviledged to receive at TRC.

This picture is of our youngest son praying with his friend, Aubry (his father is the one who started the fasting thing). This was taken on Sunday morning Jan. 11th 2009. Our son also was renewed, he was trying to make some "life" decisions on his own and when you are 18 its difficult. I'm so glad he let Jesus "help"~ :o)
Hello You will never Guess who this is . Ireally enjoy here about you KIDS. Well it really COLD HERE like 12 deg and than the wind child TOOOOOOO cold. we are going GOOD.
Hey M,
I am so with you on this! No matter what happens, just know that I am praying for them to stay on the right track!
P.S. My blog is still up. I just posted & it's long. =)~
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