God is good! I just love being able to see what's going on with special friends & family, especially late at night or a Saturday afternoon. I have so enjoyed reading and seeing pictures of everyone here in bloggerland. I sure wish this was around when my guys were little.
It makes me sigh when I see the mommies sharing what's happening with their little ones. I remember those times and wonder where did the time go. I thought when they get older it will not be so crazy, HA!
They still need us (thank the Lord), only in a different way now. It's a whole new set of rules. I'm searching for a book on how to be a parent to an 18-21-23 year old. If you have a copy...
The best thing I find I can do is pray, pray, and pray some more. Listening is high on the list as well, and don't give too much advice, unless of course they ask.
This blogging is good, a place where we can "talk" withour being interrupted and say what's on our heart.
If you have any comments I would love to here them.
Hi Margie! I hope things are going well with you and your family! I miss seeing you on Mondays and hanging out with you! It is just not the same around here without you! Take care. Live life to the fullest and have fun!!!
Your friend,
Hey Margie!!! It's about time your up with the times. he he!!!!!!
God Bless,
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