
We're gonna do it this time...

It's official!! I can tell it..WE ARE MOVING to Oklahoma.
Mr. B has wanted to move back since, like forever and it's finally happening. I'm excited too..the kiddos are grown, well sort-of, and it's only us and Max.
So why not! and we have work waiting on us..woo hoo!

We are looking forward to new scenery and new things to explore and who knows what else the Lord will lead us to do..I'm really loving the feeling inside about this move.

We have been in Calif. for 22 years and raised three boys in Sacramento. I'm from Oklahoma and Mr.B is from Arkansas so maybe it's our old age that makes us want to go back..??

We will miss The Rock Church and the most awesome leadership hands down anywhere, and everyone that we call friend or family..at TRC most everyone considers everyone to be family..lol.
It takes a family to help raise children, my kiddos have more aunts and uncles than they know what to do with..haha. I'm very thankful for all the friends who stepped up to love and support them as they grew up and became men.

TRC just celebrated 30 years..WOW! How awesome is that, to think we have been around since 1989.
When we came TRC had around 300 to 350 members, now it's running about 1300 or 1400..I think??
Who counts all that many people..lol.
It's pretty amazing to see what happens when good leadership happens..nobody does it better than Bishop and Sister Mary Wilson, Pastor and Sister Sheila Young. The nesting vision of TRC has helped me sooo many times...Helping People Become.....no matter how long it takes..that part is for me, I mess up alot..hee,hee.

Well,I gotta go pack and other unfun stuff..the temp's gonna be in the 100's this week so gotta get started early....so t.t.f.n.


Big Changes are a comin'....

I'm so happy to have the sun finally come out, and beautiful blue skies to appear..ahhh!
I am feeling so much better and can actually sleep on my right side..mostly. I give ALL the glory and thanks to my heavenly father, He is so awesome!
Well some changes are coming our way..and soon, will explain more when it's locked in. We are excited about it, and a little nervous too.
Sometimes a BIG change is what's needed at certain times in your life and I'm thinking we are at that point in our lives..the children are out of the house and being at or near the 50 mark is a good time as any to do something huge! Do I have your curiosity peaked? hee,hee...stay tuned.